5 ways to use social media to promote your tree care business

Vermeer Social Media

Looking for a way to spread the word about your tree care business? With the right mix of tools, social media can take your business to new heights to help you rise above the competition. Here are just a few ways to use social media to promote your tree care business.

  1. Create fertile ground with a blog: You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it a thousand more times: Content is king! Consistently sharing great content is key for driving traffic to your website and building brand loyalty, so consider creating a blog where you can share valuable information with your target audience, such as seasonal tree care tips and advice.
  2. Seed your content through social media: One of the best ways to promote your content is through the numerous social media channels available to your business, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Focus on creating community around your content by building an engaged audience that is willing to like, share and favorite your content.
  3. Build strong roots with word-of-mouth: Word-of-mouth is still the most powerful way to promote your business. In fact, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of marketing. Take advantage of digital word-of-mouth by encouraging satisfied customers to spread the word via social media, and watch your customers start engaging with others as they show their fandom.
  4. Grow your business with Facebook: With 1.49 billion active users, Facebook is now bigger than the largest country on Earth, which makes it a no-brainer when considering tools to increase awareness about your tree care business. The best way to engage your audience on Facebook is to create a Facebook page and update it regularly with timely, relevant and valuable information targeted to your audience.
  5. Branch out to new channels: Once you’ve mastered Facebook, consider branching out to new channels where your audience is actively participating. For example, Google+ and LinkedIn both offer unique business benefits. LinkedIn is a great way to connect with your B2B audience, and Google+ offers search engine optimization (SEO) and local SEO benefits to help customers find your business online. Search engine optimization is the process of improving the ranking of a website in a search engine’s unpaid results, and local SEO is the optimization process for local results in search engines.

Social media is a valuable tool for your business, but it’s important to keep in mind, just as growing and caring for a tree takes planning, organization and good decision-making, so too does maintaining an effective social media presence.

Interested in more social media advice? Stay tuned for our next blog post featuring advanced social media tips to help take your tree care business to the next level.

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