Signs your spouse is an arborist

Signs your spouse is an arborist

Need a good laugh? Here are 11 signs you’re married to an arborist!

Signs your spouse is an arborist

  1. They spend more time in the tree house than your kids.
  2. They spend hours picking out the perfect Christmas tree.
  3. They laugh at your fear of heights.
  4. They can distinguish a small maple tree from a young sycamore tree.
  5. There is more sawdust than lint in your dryer screen.
  6. There are carabiners laying all over the house.
  7. They use a bowline for everything.
  8. Climbing trees is their cardio.
  9. Their arms look like ironwood branches.
  10. They call shenanigans when a tree in a movie or TV show doesn’t actually grow in that part of the country.
  11. They smell like fresh cut wood. 

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