Vermeer productivity tools help contractors manage machine maintenance better

Maintenance is sometimes inconvenient. But it is always essential.

This is particularly true for a horizontal directional drill (HDD). One of the best ways to keep a drill in good operating condition is to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule and to make repairs when unexpected issues arrive. Yet, as with people and their cars, this does not always happen. We think we’re too busy to go to the shop, or we don’t want to spend the money, or we lose track of maintenance schedules.

Telematics embraced

Telematics can help. This is technology that can transmit information from one device to another. In recent years, telematics systems have received a lot of attention in the transportation industry, where truck companies and fleet operators recognize their potential to improve vehicle maintenance, tracking and efficiency.

Now the underground construction industry is starting to pay attention to telematics for the same reasons.

In early 2016 Vermeer is introducing Productivity Tools, which can help contractors with fleet management, job documentation, bore and excavation planning, data collection, maintenance and more.

There are several different tools, which can be used together or separately. Two in particular — Vermeer Fleet and Vermeer Fleet Edge — aim to help contractors better manage machine maintenance by notifying users of upcoming maintenance intervals, prioritizing a fleet’s maintenance needs and issuing alerts for pressing maintenance requirements on machines equipped with the tools.

They also have several other features geared toward fleet management. Fleet tracks engine idle time, estimated fuel consumption and machine location. Fleet Edge offers users machine productivity data, estimated fuel savings and the amount of time a machine was used at a specific jobsite.

Receive maintenance information

When it comes to maintenance, Vermeer Fleet and Fleet Edge both put critical information at the fingertips of users on secure, easy-to-use websites accessible with a computer, tablet device or smartphone.

Fleet provides information on upcoming service intervals, easing the burden on fleet managers and service technicians who traditionally have had to keep account of that themselves. Now, they can log on to a website or sign up for email alerts, rather than combing through maintenance logs. Completed work can be recorded, providing a single maintenance document available digitally.

Fleet also issues fault codes, which are alerts of more critical maintenance needs. This can help users identify issues that could potentially become more serious if not caught. A contractor’s dealer can see this same information, providing another set of eyes on the health of a machine.

Other features also have maintenance benefits. GPS tracking of machine location can help with maintenance scheduling. Having data on how much a machine is idling could help contractors and crews determine if a machine can be shut down more frequently, potentially saving hours on the machine’s life. And knowing the estimated fuel consumption may provide insight into a machine’s health.

Prioritize and organize maintenance

Sometimes, scheduling service is a major task in and of itself. Many contractors have multiple pieces of equipment spread across several jobsites, sometimes across different parts of the country. Determining what machines need what work and in what order can be a nightmare.

Fleet Edge helps fleet managers prioritize maintenance needs. Users see machines listed on the website in order by which has the most urgent maintenance needs. They can then schedule the maintenance and store that information once the work is complete. This can help improve the efficiency of preventive maintenance and keep machines working in the field.

Fleet Edge also tracks jobsite productivity and the amount of time a machine has been at a jobsite — data that helps contractors better understand the productivity of their machines. This sort of feedback also has maintenance benefits by allowing contractors to evaluate operator performance and potentially reducing wear and tear on machines.

Maintenance relief

Ask HDD contractors and their crews what they love about their jobs, and maintenance will probably never rise to the top of the list. But with Vermeer Productivity Tools, maintenance no longer needs to be a headache. For more information, go to

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