How to prepare for expenses on your HDD jobsite

It’s no secret that costs can add up when you are working on a horizontal directional drill (HDD) jobsite. Some of those costs can include product, tooling, drilling fluid and the cost of machine operation and maintenance. Knowing these costs in advance can help you be prepared for unexpected expenses while on the job.

Let’s look at some resources that are available to contractors that can help when planning jobsite expenses.


Using online resources is a simple and convenient way to estimate expenses before stepping foot on the jobsite.

Tooling can make up a significant portion of jobsite expenses. That is why knowing your tooling options and their prices ahead of time is key. One of these online resources is, an online catalog of all Vermeer HDD tooling and accessories products, with prices listed upfront. Used in combination with BORESTORE® Tooling and Accessories Warehouse is Vermeer RigFitter. Vermeer RigFitter is an online resource available to customers that is used to make selecting, ordering and buying tooling a more efficient process. Price transparency is a major advantage when using both and Vermeer RigFitter — especially when it comes to evaluating jobsite expenses ahead of time.

To use Vermeer RigFitter, simply select your drill model and drill rod, then, if you are using a pilot or a reamer configuration. After that, Vermeer RigFitter will give you the tooling options for a sub saver, drill rod, starter rod, collar and reamer. Once your desired tooling is selected, you can add to your cart and checkout online through

Soil testing is another way technology can be used to make product decisions on the jobsite. If contractors consistently work in the same types of soil and are familiar with it, then soil testing may not be necessary. But if you are new to the area or working with unfamiliar soil, then it may be beneficial to get that soil tested. Soil testing can alter the types of products or drilling fluid you use, and knowing that ahead of time could save you a headache on the job site.

Drill specialist

Utilizing your dealership’s drill specialist is another option when preparing your HDD jobsite. Drill specialists spend time in the field and can answer questions that you may have, whether it is about tooling, products or even the most efficient way to set up your jobsite. A drill specialist can also provide information on products you may need before starting work on the job site.

Drilling fluid provider

Contractors can order drilling fluid from either their dealership, independent company or online. No matter which option you choose, your drilling fluid provider can be a helpful resource if you have questions on how much fluid you might need, or what type you should use based on the soil conditions. Calculating the amount of fluid you will need will vary based on a few factors, such as hole size and soil type, so having a resource that is constantly working in the field and in a variety of conditions is unmatched.

An advantage to ordering drilling fluid from a dealer is that they will have products tailored to their location. Meaning if you tend to work on jobs locally, the dealership will likely have the drilling fluid you need. Remember, products offered is dependent on the dealership and each dealership will vary. Another benefit to ordering drilling fluid from your local dealership is the relationship and support your dealer can provide. By consistently working with your dealer, they can become more familiar with your business and machines. Having a trusted resource who knows you and your fleet well can be beneficial if you have questions or want to talk through any issues you may be having.

When it comes to working on an HDD jobsite, expenses are inevitable — but being prepared can give you peace of mind, especially if unexpected expenses arise. Using a select or combination of the resources above can help you estimate expenses when it comes time to prepare your HDD site. For more information on HDD resources, contact your local dealer.

Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in product engineering, design and specifications; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing or distribution at any time without notice or obligation. Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components specific to their global region. Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications.

Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2022 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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