How Vermeer row-to-row technology maximizes pile driver productivity

A pile driver sits in a solar field with a folded mast

For years, managers and owners of pile driver businesses as well as operators— especially in solar markets — have looked to a future with automation to combat labor challenges and maximize pile accuracy.

Row-to-row technology will help enable operators to increase their daily productivity on a pile driver jobsite. With labor challenges and increased productivity requirements, the row-to-row and point-to-point systems offered by Vermeer can help you install more piles per day and with more consistency.

In September 2024, Vermeer launched the row-to-row system equipped for the PD25R pile driver. This new feature will complement the optional point-to-point system. Both features are designed to address the desire for increased automation in the solar market. With this innovative system in combination with the current automation options, operators can expect accurate and efficient installation when working on their solar jobsites.

How does row-to-row work?

For pile drivers with the point-to-point system, operators are still required to direct the machine into the next row to begin installation. Now with row-to-row, operators no longer need to manually pivot or turn the machine into the next row. The technology used for row-to-row is similar to what is used for the point-to-point system. It is essentially a GPS system on the pile driver that can locate waypoints and complete installation accurately and consistently.

To set up both systems before work begins, operators will input the coordinates and parameters of the jobsite into the onboard system. After that, the pile driver is ready to work. Using both point-to-point and row-to-row, the technology can control the machine’s navigation throughout the solar field, with minimal operator input.

What does this technology mean for pile driver operators?

The point-to-point and row-to-row systems were both created to address challenges that solar contractors may face.

A common issue solar contractors experience relates to labor. When operators are installing hundreds or thousands of piles, they are performing repetitive motions to steer the pile driver. After a long day, it can be challenging for operators to stay consistent and accurate.

“With technology controlling the machine, operators no longer have to perform many of those repetitive motions all day, and solar contractors can have peace of mind that the piles are installed consistently and accurately,” said Ed Savage, the lead product manager for Utility Infrastructure at Vermeer. “This technology means less room for operator error during the installation process.”

Teaching a new pile driving operator how to run equipment can be an extensive onboarding and training process. With increased automation on pile drivers, that could mean a streamlined training process for beginner operators. This can be especially valuable for solar contractors who travel across the country and work with new operators or a new crew entirely. With less time needed to train and onboard your crew, that means you’ll be getting to work faster.

Maximized productivity and efficiency when installing piles is a clear benefit to solar contractors. Using row-to-row, you can reduce the number of inputs needed, and you will no longer need to turn to the next row with the joystick. Utilizing autonomous features can save time that can make a difference.

Jobsites with increased automation on machines are the future of the rapidly growing solar industry. The row-to-row system will be offered in combination with the point-to-point system as an optional automation package on the PD25R.

For more information on pile drivers or these automation systems, reach out to your local Vermeer dealer.

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GPS technology in solar construction addresses labor shortage challenges and enhances efficiency. The integration of GPS in equipment like the Vermeer PD10R pile driver reduces surveying costs, proving a revolutionary step for the solar construction industry.

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