Mining and Specialty Excavation

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Top benefits of Vermeer terrain levelers

Relatively new to the industry compared to drill and blast and ripping, machines like the Vermeer T1255 Terrain Leveler® SEM turn a normally vertical process horizontal. Read how it works.

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How continuous surface mining and drill and blast can work together on the same mining site

You have two main options when it comes to mining: You can drill and blast with explosives and size the rock with a primary crusher, or you can use a continuous surface mining (CSM) method. But there are certain mining sites that require the capabilities of both methods. Here are examples of how and when to consider using both continuous surface mining and drill and blast on the same mining site.

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Surface mining in southern Africa: borrowing from the ocean

It’s probably not how many Europeans or North Americans imagine a diamond mine. But Oranjemund, Namibia, is an important site for extraction of the precious stones. However, retrieving the gems is far from straightforward for Namdeb, the public-private partnership that operates the mine.

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