Category: Ownership support

Spec’ing a vacuum excavator

Selecting the right vacuum excavator for your business With all of the different makes and models of vacuum excavators on the market today, choosing the right one isn’t necessarily an easy decision for anyone. However, answering a few easy questions can help narrow your search to select the right machine for your specific needs. To […]

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Making sense of HDD drilling fluids

Drilling fluids are the secret sauce on horizontal directional drilling (HDD) jobs. Drilling fluids can also be one of the most misunderstood aspects of drilling operations. Take some of the mystery out of drilling fluids.

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Seven tips to prevent jobsite theft

HDD equipment, tooling and other supplies are worth a lot of money for thieves looking to make a quick buck. To help prevent your jobsite from becoming a criminal’s next target, read these tips.

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HDD tooling solutions — A trusted partner can help

Are you getting the best productivity from your horizontal directional drill? It all comes down to tooling, which is a time-consuming task to stay on top of. Read how a Vermeer HDD specialist can help, regardless of the brand of drill you use.

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Establishing a safe HDD jobsite

As crews prepare for a job, it is important that contractors establish an operating routine that helps ensure safety. Read more about the several steps contractors should establish before work begins.

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Keeping crews safe in trenches

Trench cave-in poses a high risk and is more likely than other excavation-related incidents to result in a fatality. Working safely around an open trench should be a top priority. Read these tips on crew safety and how Vermeer is helping to promote trench safety.

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Practical tips to help avoid cross bores

When an underground utility line unintentionally intersects with another, the results can be disastrous. This is known as a cross bore, and dangerous consequences can happen instantly — or occur long after an installation is completed. Help keep your crew safe and read these practical tips to help avoid cross bores.

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Spring maintenance for track trenchers

With the changing of the seasons, spring is a great time to spend a couple of hours inspecting your track trencher to ensure it’s in good working order for the upcoming season. View this checklist to give you a great starting point for your maintenance inspection.

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